Source code for DylScale

#! /usr/bin/python3
import os
from numpy import random
from sys import argv
from tkinter.constants import HORIZONTAL
from tkinter import Event, Label, Tk, Canvas, Frame, Button, NW, E
from PIL import ImageTk, Image, ImageDraw
from time import time

[docs]class Rating: """A class for displaying an image and recording the ratins and timings of the reader. Label parameter is the label where the image is going to be drawn. User must assign the instantiated rating class a canvas for drawing a bar where the reader clicked.""" def __init__(self, posDir: str, negDir: str, n: int, outputFile: str, offset: str, label: Label): """ Initializes the scale rating object. offset can be either the int or string representation of the int for the first [offset] images to exclude from the study. label is the place to draw the current image.""" self.decision: int = -1 self.posDir: str = posDir self.negDir: str = negDir self.counter: int = 0 self.percent: int = -1 self.offset: int = int(offset) self.n: int = int(n) self.f = open(outputFile + str(time()) + ".csv", "w") self.f.write(posDir + ' ' + negDir + '\n') # get pics posNames: list = [self.posDir + img for img in sorted(os.listdir(self.posDir))][self.offset:self.offset + (self.n // 2)] negNames: list = [self.negDir + img for img in sorted(os.listdir(self.negDir))][self.offset:self.offset + (self.n // 2 + self.n % 2)] self.n0: int = len(negNames) self.n1: int = len(posNames) names: list = negNames + posNames #print(len(names)) self.images: list = [ for name in names] for img in self.images: img.thumbnail((IMGWIDTH, IMGHEIGHT)) self.images: list = [ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) for img in self.images] for i, image in enumerate(self.images): setattr(image, "filename", names[i]) random.shuffle(self.images) self.label = label print()
[docs] def next(self, event: Event=None): if self.percent != -1: if hasattr(self, "frame"): self.canvas.delete("bar") self.f.write(f"{self.images[self.counter].filename} {self.percent} {time() - self.t1}\n") self.t1: float = time() self.percent: int = -1 if self.counter < self.n - 1: self.counter += 1 print(f"\r{int(100 * self.counter / self.n)}%", end='') self.label.configure(image=self.images[self.counter]) self.label.image = self.images[self.counter] elif hasattr(self, "canvas"): self.f.close() self.canvas.master.destroy() print()
[docs] def drawBar(self, event: Event): if not hasattr(self, "canvas"): raise Exception("Need to set Rating.canvas") self.percent: int = round(((IMGHEIGHT - event.y) / IMGHEIGHT) * 100) self.canvas.delete("bar") self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, event.y, 100, event.y + 2, fill="blue", tags=("bar"))
[docs]def hex2rgb(str_rgb): """A function that takes hex values and converts them to rgb.""" # try: rgb = str_rgb[1:] if len(rgb) == 6: r, g, b = rgb[0:2], rgb[2:4], rgb[4:6] elif len(rgb) == 3: r, g, b = rgb[0] * 2, rgb[1] * 2, rgb[2] * 2 else: raise ValueError() except: raise ValueError("Invalid value %r provided for rgb color."% str_rgb) return tuple(int(v, 16) for v in (r, g, b))
[docs]class GradientFrame(Canvas): """A canvas with a gradient drawn on it.""" # def __init__(self, master, from_color, to_color, width=None, height=None, orient=HORIZONTAL, steps=None, **kwargs): """Creates the Gradient Frame of the specified parameters.""" Canvas.__init__(self, master, **kwargs) if steps is None: if orient == HORIZONTAL: steps = height else: steps = width if isinstance(from_color, str): from_color = hex2rgb(from_color) if isinstance(to_color, str): to_color = hex2rgb(to_color) r,g,b = from_color dr = float(to_color[0] - r)/steps dg = float(to_color[1] - g)/steps db = float(to_color[2] - b)/steps if orient == HORIZONTAL: if height is None: raise ValueError("height can not be None") self.configure(height=height) if width is not None: self.configure(width=width) img_height = height img_width = self.winfo_screenwidth() image ="RGB", (img_width, img_height), "#FFFFFF") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for i in range(steps): r,g,b = r+dr, g+dg, b+db y0 = int(float(img_height * i)/steps) y1 = int(float(img_height * (i+1))/steps) draw.rectangle((0, y0, img_width, y1), fill=(int(r),int(g),int(b))) else: if width is None: raise ValueError("width can not be None") self.configure(width=width) if height is not None: self.configure(height=height) img_height = self.winfo_screenheight() img_width = width image ="RGB", (img_width, img_height), "#FFFFFF") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for i in range(steps): r,g,b = r+dr, g+dg, b+db x0 = int(float(img_width * i)/steps) x1 = int(float(img_width * (i+1))/steps) draw.rectangle((x0, 0, x1, img_height), fill=(int(r),int(g),int(b))) self._gradient_photoimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) self.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=self._gradient_photoimage)
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(argv) == 2: import ROC1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x0 = list() x1 = list() times = list() with open(argv[1]) as f: posDir, negDir = f.readline().strip().split() for line in f: line = line.strip().split() score = int(line[1]) if negDir in line[0]: x0.append(score) else: x1.append(score) curr_time = float(line[2]) if curr_time < 30: times.append(curr_time) x1, x0 = np.array(x1), np.transpose(x0) print(len(x1), len(x0)) roc = ROC1.rocxy(x1, x0) sm = ROC1.successmatrix(x1, x0) AUC = np.mean(sm) VAR = ROC1.unbiasedMeanMatrixVar(sm, 1) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2) ax1.set_xlim(left=-0.01, right=1.01) ax1.set_ylim(top=1.01, bottom=-0.01) ax1.plot(roc['x'], roc['y']) ax1.set_title(f"N:{len(x1) + len(x0)} AUC:{AUC} VAR:{VAR:0.05f}") ax2.plot(times) ax2.set_title(f"Avg time {np.mean(times):0.2f}s") elif len(argv) != 5 and len(argv) != 6: print(f"Usage: \n\tpython3 {__file__} [signal present directory] [signal absent directory] [n] [output file] [offset (optional)]\n\tpython3 {__file__} [results file]") else: IMGWIDTH: int = 600 IMGHEIGHT: int = 600 root = Tk() #root.geometry("800x800") title = Label(root, text="Choose the percent chance of there being a signal") title.grid(row=0, column=0) label = Label(root) for i in range(1, 3): if not argv[i].endswith('/'): argv[i] += '/' if len(argv) < 6: argv.append("0") try: rating = Rating(*argv[1:], label) label.configure(image=rating.images[0]) label.grid(row=1, column=0) ticks = Frame(root) ticks.grid(row=1, column=1) for tickmark in range(0, 110, 10): text = Label(ticks, text=str(tickmark)) row: int = 10-(tickmark//10) text.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=E, pady=18) gradient = GradientFrame(root, from_color="#000000", to_color="#FFFFFF", height=IMGHEIGHT, width=100, orient=HORIZONTAL) gradient.grid(row=1, column=2) rating.canvas = gradient gradient.bind("<Button-1>", rating.drawBar) button = Button(text="next", button.grid(row=2, column=2) root.bind("<Return>", rating.t1 = time() root.mainloop() except ValueError: print("Invalid Arguments") root.destroy()