Source code for DylAFC

import os
import socket
import time
import numpy as np
from sys import argv
from tkinter import Tk, Frame, Label, E, W, Event, StringVar, Radiobutton, mainloop
from PIL import ImageTk, Image

[docs]class AFC: """A Class for doing AFC studies. This one only does 2AFC. It is used for integrating with a tkinter interface as seen in DylAFC.""" def __init__(self, posDir: str, negDir: str, ansDir: str, ip: str, port: str, n0: int, n1: int, logFile: str): """Creates a new AFC class with the given parameters. Opens the file name provided for logging. Does not connect yet.""" self.decision: int = -1 self.ready: bool = True self.img1: int = -1 self.img2: int = -1 self.mode: str = 'training' self.posDir: str = posDir self.negDir: str = negDir self.ansDir: str = ansDir self.counter: int = 0 self.imgIndex: int = 0 self.ip: str = ip self.port: str = port self.n0: int = int(n0) self.n1: int = int(n1) self.exit = self.__exit__ self.connected: bool = False self.f = open(logFile, 'w') self.key_left = -2 self.key_right = -2
[docs] def connect(self): """Connects to the comparator. Waits until connection is established, therefore this method is blocking.""" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) print("waiting for connection") self.title.configure(text="Waiting for Connection...") root.update() while True: try: s.connect((self.ip, int(self.port))) break except ConnectionRefusedError: time.sleep(0.1) data: bytes = s.recv(10) if data == b"I'm ready!": s.send(b'\x02' + self.n0.to_bytes(4, 'little') + self.n1.to_bytes(4, 'little') + b'\x03') print("connection established") self.title.configure(text="Choose Most Likely to have Signal") self.s = s self.connected: bool = True
def __enter__(self): """Sets up the images needed for the study.""" # get pics, use sorted() to ensure it's the same ones every time offset: int = 0 posNames: list = [self.posDir + img for img in sorted(os.listdir(self.posDir))][offset:offset + self.n1] ansNames: list = [self.ansDir + img for img in sorted(os.listdir(self.ansDir))][offset:offset + self.n1] negNames: list = [self.negDir + img for img in sorted(os.listdir(self.negDir))][offset:offset + self.n0] self.n0: int = len(negNames) self.n1: int = len(posNames) names: list = negNames + posNames with open("names.txt", "w") as f: for name in names: # write all the files to the file, separated with the file separator f.write(name + '\x1C') self.images: list = [ for name in names] for img in self.images: img.thumbnail((IMGWIDTH, IMGHEIGHT)) self.images: list = [ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) for img in self.images] for i, image in enumerate(self.images): setattr(image, "filename", names[i]) ansImages: list = [ for name in ansNames] for img in ansImages: img.thumbnail((IMGWIDTH, IMGHEIGHT)) ansImages: list = [ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) for img in ansImages] self.ansPairs: list = list(zip(self.images[self.n0:], ansImages)) self.font: tuple = ('Arial', 72) self.correct = ImageTk.PhotoImage("correct.png")) self.wrong = ImageTk.PhotoImage("wrong.png")) return self
[docs] def showPics(self, pic1, pic2: int=None): """show the pictures identified by the image number arguments. If pic2 is not provided, pic1 is a boolean value for displaying either correct or incorrect.""" if self.mode.get() == 'answers': self.img1.configure(image=self.ansPairs[pic1][0]) self.img2.configure(image=self.ansPairs[pic1][1]) elif self.mode.get() == 'training' and not isinstance(pic2, int): # pic1 is a boolean if pic1: #correct self.img1.configure(image=self.correct) self.img2.configure(image=self.correct) else: self.img1.configure(image=self.wrong) self.img2.configure(image=self.wrong) else: self.img1.configure(image=self.images[pic1]) self.img2.configure(image=self.images[pic2]) root.update()
[docs] def switchModes(self): """Call this when switching modes to make sure the class is ready to start a mode.""" self.ready: bool = True self.decision: int = -1 self.imgIndex: int = 0
[docs] def run(self): """Finite state machine based on the mode, the connection status, and whether the reader has decided an image or not. This will call itself on its own, so just make sure to call this method once with <root>.after()""" root.update() if self.mode.get() == 'training': if self.counter <= 0 and self.decision == -1: #put up new pictures if self.ready: if np.random.random() > 0.5: self.imgID1: int = np.random.randint(0, self.n0 - 1) self.imgID2: int = np.random.randint(self.n0, self.n1 + self.n0 - 1) self.showPics(self.imgID1, self.imgID2) self.answer: str = 'right' else: self.imgID1: int = np.random.randint(self.n0, self.n1 + self.n0 - 1) self.imgID2: int = np.random.randint(0, self.n0 - 1) self.showPics(self.imgID1, self.imgID2) self.answer: str = 'left' self.ready: bool = False self.decision: int = -1 else: # default place, pseudo main loop self.showPics(self.imgID1, self.imgID2) elif not self.ready and (self.decision == self.key_left or self.decision == self.key_right): self.counter: int = 1000 self.showPics((self.decision == self.key_right and self.answer == 'right') or (self.decision == self.key_left and self.answer == 'left')) self.decision: int = -1 self.ready: bool = True elif self.counter > 0: self.counter -= 16 self.ready: bool = self.counter <= 0 elif self.mode.get() == 'study': if not self.connected: self.connect() if self.ready: #ready for another comparison try: #print("requesting pics") self.s.send(b"send pics!") data: bytes = self.s.recv(10) #print(data) if data: if data == b"I'm going!": print("Client exited succesfully") root.destroy() elif data[0] == 2 and data[9] == 3: #valid frame self.imgID1: int = int.from_bytes(data[1:5], 'little') self.imgID2: int = int.from_bytes(data[5:9], 'little') bytes = data #print(img1, img2) self.showPics(self.imgID1, self.imgID2) self.t1: float = time.time() root.update() self.ready: bool = False except ConnectionResetError: print("Client Disconnected") self.exit() except BrokenPipeError: print("Client Disconnected") self.exit() if self.decision == self.key_left or self.decision == self.key_right: if self.decision == self.key_right: #right key payload: bytes = (1).to_bytes(4, 'little') +[5:9] des: int = self.imgID2 elif self.decision == self.key_left: #left key payload: bytes = (0).to_bytes(4, 'little') +[1:5] des: int = self.imgID2 try: self.f.write(f"{self.images[self.imgID1].filename} {self.images[self.imgID2].filename} {self.images[des].filename} {time.time() - self.t1}\n") self.s.send(b'\x02' + payload + b'\x03') except ConnectionResetError: print("Client Disconnected") self.exit() except BrokenPipeError: print("Client Disconnected") self.exit() self.decision: int = -1 self.ready: bool = True elif self.mode.get() == "answers": if self.ready: #put up new pictures self.showPics(self.imgIndex) self.ready: bool = False root.update() elif self.decision == self.key_right: #print("saw the event") self.imgIndex += 1 if self.imgIndex < self.n1 - 1 else 0 self.decision: int = -1 self.ready: bool = True elif self.decision == self.key_left: self.imgIndex -= 1 if self.imgIndex > 0 else 0 self.decision: int = -1 self.ready: bool = True else: if self.counter == 0: self.img1.configure(text="Press the key you want to indicate left") elif self.counter == 1: self.img1.configure(text="Press the key you want to indicate right") else: self.img1.configure(text="Click the mode you want") label.grid(row=0, column=0) root.after(16,
[docs] def pressed(self, event: Event): """Call this when the user has pressed a keyboard button.""" #print("event!", event.keycode) if self.key_left == -2: self.key_left = event.keycode self.counter += 1 return if self.key_right == -2: self.key_right = event.keycode self.counter += 1 return self.counter: int = 0 if event.keycode == self.key_left or event.keycode == self.key_right: self.decision: int = event.keycode
[docs] def clicked(self, event: Event): """Call this when the user has clicked the mouse.""" self.counter: int = 0 if event.y > 100: if event.x > WIDTH - IMGWIDTH: self.decision: int = self.key_right elif event.x < IMGWIDTH: self.decision: int = self.key_left
def __exit__(self, *args): """Shuts down the connection and closes the window.""" self.f.close() if self.connected: self.s.close() try: root.destroy() except Exception: #root already destroyed self.counter: int = 0 # to sate the linters
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(argv) < 9: print(f"Usage: {__file__} [target present directory] [target absent directory] [answers directory] [merge ip] [merger port] [n0] [n1] [log file]") else: for i in range(1, 4): if not argv[i].endswith('/'): argv[i] += '/' HEIGHT: int = 700 WIDTH: int = 1300 IMGWIDTH: int = 600 IMGHEIGHT: int = 600 root = Tk() #canvas = Canvas(root, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) #canvas.pack() #img ="repository-pic.png") #img.thumbnail((IMGWIDTH, IMGHEIGHT)) #img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) label: Label = Label(root, text="Choose Most Likely to have Signal", font=('Arial', 56)) label.grid(row=0, column=0) frame: Frame = Frame(root) img1: Label = Label(frame)#, image=img) img2: Label = Label(frame)#, image=img) img1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E) img2.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W) modes: list = [ ("Answers", "answers"), ("AFC Training", "training"), ("Study", "study") ] frame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1) with AFC(*argv[1:]) as afc: afc.title = label afc.mode = StringVar() afc.mode.set("none") afc.img1 = img1 afc.img2 = img2 buttons: Frame = Frame(frame) for i, (text, mode) in enumerate(modes): b: Radiobutton = Radiobutton(buttons, text=text, value=mode, variable=afc.mode, indicatoron=0, command=afc.switchModes) b.grid(row=i, column=0) buttons.grid(row=0, column=1) root.bind("<Key>", afc.pressed) root.bind("<Button-1>", afc.clicked) root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", afc.exit) root.after(1, frame.grid(row=1, column=0) mainloop()